박정희 전대통령이 김재규의 총에 맞아 죽은 지 36주년만에 딸인 박근혜 대통령이 부친의 친일 행적 및 특권층 군사구테타를 미화하기 위해 역사교과서 국정화 추진을 서두르고 있어 국내외적으로 적지 않은 비난이 쏟아지고 있다. 박근혜 정권의 역사교과서 국정화 발표에 대해 세계 각국 언론들의 반응이 뜨거운 가운데 영국의 BBC에 이어 세계적인 권위지인 뉴욕 타임스도 이 문제를 주목하고 나섰다. 뉴욕타임스는 12일 ’South Korea to Issue State History Textbooks, Rejecting Private Publishers-한국 정부, 검정 교과서를 거부하고 국정교과서 발행’이라는 제목의 기사를 통해 ‘박근혜 대통령의 보수 정부가 한국 독재시대의 과거로 교육을 되돌리고 있다’고 비난하는 시민사회와 역사학계 등 한국 국민들의 반발을 전하며 이러한 반대여론에도 불구하고 박근혜 정권이 역사교과서의 국정화를 추진하는 배경을 상세하게 전했다.
특히 뉴욕타임스는 역사교과서 국정화에 대한 논쟁이 주로 20세기 초의 일본의 식민 통치, 그리고 결코 평탄치 않고 때로 피로 물들기도 했던 한국의 민주화를 향한 행보를 포함한 한국 근대사에 초점을 맞춘 것이라고 지적하고 ‘1961년 쿠데타로 권력을 잡은 후 1979년까지 고문과 계엄령을 이용해 권력을 유지했던 박근혜 대통령의 부친 박정희를 포함한 한국의 과거 군사독재자들에 대해 서술한 방식에 특히 불만을 갖고 국정화가 추진되고 있다고 분석했다. 뉴욕타임스는 박근혜의 역사교과서 국정화가 박근혜의 아버지 박정희의 독재와 유사하다며 “부친은 군사 쿠데타를 일으켰고, 이제 딸은 역사교육의 쿠데타를 꾀하고 있다. 이것은 친일협력과 과거 독재를 지지하는 자들이 지난 10년에 걸쳐 준비해온 역사 쿠데타이다”라는민족문제연구소 박한용 연구실장의 말을 그대로 소개했다. 뉴욕타임스는 현재 검정 역사교과서가 ‘자학적 역사관’을 가진 좌편향이라는 보수주의자들의 입장도 소개하며 이 교과서들이 일본 식민주의자들과 협력, 한국 전쟁 기간 중 양민 대량학살 및 독재자들 지배하의 정치적 반체제 인사들에 대한 탄압과 같은 최근 과거사에 대한 숨겨진 측면 등을 깊이 파고들어 보수주의자들의 반발을 샀다고 분석했다. 박근혜와 친일 매국 세력들의 역사교과서 국정화 추진은 영국 BBC도 한국 정부가 역사교과서를 통제하려한다고 보도하고 나서는 등 전 세계 언론으로 부터 역사왜곡이라는 우려를 낳고 있다. 박근혜와 그 정권 하수인들의 이번 역사교과서 국정화 추진은 오히려 박근혜의 아버지 박정희의 일본제국군인 복무와 독재를 다시 한번 전 세계에 알리고 친일 청산이 되지 못한 채 친일의 후손들이 특권층으로 나라를 지배하고 있다는 사실을 전 세계에 확인시켜주는 결과를 낳고 있다.
SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea said on Monday that beginning in 2017, its middle and high school students would be taught history from government-issued textbooks, prompting criticism that President Park Geun-hye’s conservative government was returning education to the country’s authoritarian past. The administrative directive to wrest control over history textbooks from private publishers comes after months of heated public debate over how to teach children history. The controversy has focused largely on how to characterize the history of modern Korea, including Japan’s colonial rule in the early 20th century and South Korea’s tumultuous, often bloody march toward democracy. For years, conservative critics have charged that left-leaning authors poisoned the current textbooks and students’ minds with their “ideological biases.” The critics were especially upset with the way the textbooks described North Korea and the military dictators who once ruled South Korea, including Ms. Park’s father, Park Chung-hee, who seized power in a 1961 coup and remained in control using torture and martial law until 1979. But opponents of Ms. Park, including some civic groups and regional education leaders, vowed to protest the government’s move, which they said would embarrass the country globally by creating a textbook system similar to the one in North Korea. The main opposition party said it would work on a bill to ban the government from writing textbooks. But Ms. Park’s party, which dominates the National Assembly, supports government-issued textbooks. “The house is not just leaking or requires small repairs here and there, but its very foundation and design are wrong,” the vice prime minister and education minister, Hwang Woo-yea, said during a nationally televised news conference on Monday, explaining why textbooks written by the government should replace the current books. Ms. Park’s critics said the idea smacked of her father’s dictatorship, during which the government wrote history textbooks and used them to glorify his coup as a “revolution” and to justify his prolonged rule. These critics fear that Ms. Park’s government will use the new textbooks to stifle opinion and whitewash the legacy of the old conservative elites, including her father, who served as an officer in Japan’s colonial military before overseeing South Korea’s rapid economic growth. “The father staged a military coup, and now the daughter is engineering a coup in history education,” said Park Han-yong, a chief researcher at the Center for Historical Truth and Justice, based in Seoul. “This is a history coup that supporters of pro-Japanese collaboration and the past dictatorship have been preparing for 10 years.” The center recently revealed documents that it said showed that the father of Kim Moo-sung, leader of the president’s party, was a rich businessman and pro-Japanese collaborator who once urged Koreans to make donations to finance warplanes for Japan’s World War II military. Reflecting a prevailing conservative view here, Mr. Hwang said on Monday that textbooks should focus on teaching “the proud history of South Korea, which has achieved both democratization and industrialization in the shortest time in the world history.” His deputy, Kim Jae-choon, said that current textbooks uncritically cited North Korean propaganda and failed to make it clear that the Korean War was started by the North. “One textbook, for example, used the term ‘dictatorial’ only twice when writing about North Korea but as many as 28 times about South Korea” under its military rulers, Mr. Kim said. Under President Park Chung-hee, South Korea required schools to use a single government-issued history textbook. But since 2010, schools have been free to choose among several privately published textbooks, although the Education Ministry still has to approve the books. Some of the books delved into long-hidden aspects of the recent past: collaboration with Japanese colonialists, mass killings of civilians during the Korean War and the abuse of political dissidents under the dictators. Conservatives criticized what they called “masochistic historical views” in the books and accused the authors of inculcating youngsters with “left-leaning nationalism” that they said emphasized ethnic affinity with North Korea while casting an unfavorable eye on the role of the United States in modern Korean history. Last year, Ms. Park warned against “ideological prejudices” in the current textbooks. The Education Ministry has since asked the publishers to make many changes in the texts, but their authors filed lawsuits against the interference. The political opposition said the government’s decision deviated from the standard practice in advanced countries. They called on Mr. Hwang to step down. On Monday, Mr. Hwang said his ministry would soon invite a panel of historians to write new textbooks, as well as a broad range of people to review them, to ensure that the books would be “objective and balanced.”